*to organizations, publications, and presses with which I am connected Creative Writing MFA program at Florida International University The Florida Book Review FGCU Sanibel Island Writers Conference Gulf Stream Magazine Gulf Coast Association of Creative Writing Teachers Grub Street and their conference Muse and the Marketplace International Women's Writing Guild Rain Chain Press Writers' Websites & Blogs
Nancy Christie (I contributed to her advice book Rut-Busting Book for Writers.)
Oline Cogdill blogs at Mystery Scene Magazine Gillian Culff (author coach and editor) John Dufresne Keith Ferrell Barbara Hamby Vicki Hendricks Marylou Hess's e-news. Angela Kelsey blogs about memoir writing. Tamara Linse Chauncey Mabe blogs for the Florida Center for the Literary Arts. Kat Meads (aka Z.K. Burrus) Jeff Newberry Geoffrey Philp Margo Rabb Necee Regis Kristi Petersen Schoonover Les Standiford Thomas Swick's Travel blog Susan Tacent Susan M. Tiberghien |
Contact Lynne
To reach Lynne to arrange appearances or interviews, go to the FIU Faculty Directory, where you can find her contact information:
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On Twitter: @LynneBarrett
On Instagram: On Goodreads
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